
Pro Hunting Tips For next Hunting Trips

Our Pro Hunting Tips will make your next Hunting Trips more effective and interesting. 

The Dangers of Cave Diving

The Dangers of Cave Diving without Experience or Proper Training


The oceans of the world are truly amazing and wonderful places to visit and explore, for this reason thousands of people every year choose to become certified divers. Not only are the oceans the last true frontier on this planet, they also hold some of the most dangerous environments known to man. Exploring them is not for the light of heart, or the weak of mind. Many experienced scuba divers have lost their lives, including scuba instructs, while cave diving. Cave diving puts the “x” in extreme sports. But for the brave and trained scuba diver, cave diving can be the ultimate life experience.


Signs of Danger!

Some underwater cave systems are vast. Divers have gotten lost, experienced equipment failure and have ultimately lost their lives, even small caves present real dangers to experienced scuba divers. Unfortunately, many ill trained and poorly equipped scuba divers have unknowingly put their lives in danger, venturing into caves and never coming out. Dangerous cave sites around the world where divers have lost their lives; have signs warning all scuba divers to “go no further!”In Florida, for example, many cave diving spots have such signs. The signs posted outside notorious caves in Florida have a sobering image of the Grim Reaper, with a simple message “Prevent Your Death,” “Go no further.” Mexico, the Bahamas, South America and Central America have similar signs warning scuba divers that there is nothing in the caves worth dying for. Unfortunately, the lure of adventure and danger are uncomfortable bed mates, many divers have chosen to ignore such signs. Why?


Unknown Dangers of Inexperienced Cave Divers


If you are an open water certified scuba diver, then you should recall warnings of “overhead environments.” Any location which does not have a direct line to the surface, including sunken ships, is considered to be an overhead environment. If at any time during a dive you cannot immediately ascend to the surface, then you are in danger, especially if you are not properly equipped and trained in overhead environments. There is a line between recreational diving and technical diving, divers who are unaware of this fact are at great risk when attempting to cave dive.


The Line between Recreational Diving and Technical Diving


Where cave diving begins, recreational and sports diving ends, it’s that simple. Technical diving, also commonly referred to as Tech diving, is serious business because this type of diving exceeds the recreational diving limits and training. Tech diving includes extended bottom time, deeper depths, the use of mix gases and exposure to overhead environments. Certified divers of all levels should seek additional technical dive training before attempting to enter a cave or sunken ship, or else they unnecessarily put their lives at risk.

There are a number of cave diving schools located around the world for those who have a serious interest in exploring underwater caves. PADI, the Personal Association of Dive Instructor, offers such a course. Instructions you will receive from a PADI Cavern Diver Course will open up these remote and dangerous underwater locations to you, by limiting your risk of injury or death. The rewards are well worth. Exploring cave entrances, where light from the sun can still penetrate, is exciting. It is this area that is referred to as the cavern zone. The cavern zone is where divers experience the tempting lure of adventure to explore further into areas of overhead environment.


What Aspiring Cave Divers need to Learn


Technical dive instruction courses, such as PADI’s Cavern Divers Course, are challenging and at the same time exciting. Some of the skills divers will learn include:

• Planning and organizing for overhead environments
• Study of the hazards of cave diving and emergency procedures
• Line protocols
• Cavern navigation and lighting
• Silt preventive measures and buoyancy control
• Advanced air sharing and the effects of disorientation
• Special equipment training / redundant breathing systems
• Limits of cave diving / distance and depth

Scuba diving is a wonderful sport, and for those you want to explore the mysteries that is cave diving, take head! Caves are beautiful places to explore; however, overhead environments can become very scary in only a few feet distance. Untrained divers have lost their lives because of stirring up silt and have been unable to find their way back to the light of day. Cave diving is dangerous! It’s that simple, although, for properly trained cave divers who utilize the right equipment like diving watch, knife, mask , cave diving can be the ultimate underwater experience.

5 Wilderness Survival Tips

If you ever find yourself in a wilderness survival situation, your life could depend on the choices you make and the actions you take. Here are 5 tips to help increase your chances of survival.


Wilderness Survival Tip #1: At First, Do No Harm


This slogan is borrowed from the medical industry, but it also applies to survival. When you first realize that your survival is at stake, you want to be careful to do no harm - don’t make your situation worse.


Wilderness Survival Tip #2: Stay Calm & Be Rational


The worst thing you can do in a survival situation is to freak out or act rashly. The best thing to do is stay calm, ad carefully and rationally decide what to do. If it takes you 30 minutes to calm down and think things through, that’s OK (in most circumstances - if you are cold and wet, for example, you’ll need to act faster).

Deal with any emergency issues, such as injuries, then move on to take care of shelter, water, & food.


Wilderness Survival Tip #3: Shelter First


In most instances, your worst need will be shelter from the weather - cold and precipitation, usually. Find or create shelter before you find food or water.


Wilderness Survival Tip #4: Water Next


After you’ve taken care of your shelter, find water. You can live for a long time with no food, but you’ll only last a couple days without water.


Wilderness Survival Tip #5: Food Last


Once you have shelter and water taken care of, find food.

How To Choose The Best Hunting Knife

Greetings, Fellow Hunter! Since you are reading this article, I’ll assume that you are in the market for a hunting knife; in fact you’re looking for some tips to help you choose the best hunting knife you can.


While it may not be as important as your gun or ammunition, a hunting knife is still an important piece of gear. Take a little extra time to research and make the best choice!

There are at least 4 major factors you’ll need to consider when choosing a hunting knife. They are:


  • Fixed blade or folding blade?
  • Blade shape
  • Blade steel
  • Other design elements

Before we cover those factors, though, you need to decide what you will use your hunting knife for. Decide exactly what you will expect of it:


  • Skinning game?
  • Trimming shooting lanes?
  • Need to be strongly resistant to corrosion?
  • Killing game?

Once you have decided what you need your knife to do, you can go over the 4 major factors and determine what the best hunting knife for you looks like.


Factor 1: Fixed blade or folding blade?


Choosing between fixed and folding blade should not be hard - just choose what benefits are most important to you. Fixed blade knives are stronger, faster to access, and easier to clean. Folding knives are more compact and easier to conceal.


If you plan on skinning and/or gutting animals with your knife, you should almost certainly choose a fixed blade knife. Trying to clean a folding blade knife with blood and guts in the mechanism is not easy.


For most hunters, a fixed blade knife will probably be the best choice.


Factor 2: Blade shape

There are 3 primary blade shapes used for hunting knives:


Skinner - This blade has a round, blunt shape - it is suitable primarily for skinning and gutting game. Its shape makes it difficult to accidentally damage the skin or meat of an animal. A good example of this shape is the Buck Skinner Knife.


Drop Point - This blade has a point that combines ease of skinning with more general purpose usage as well. A good example of this shape is the Gerber Big Rock Knife.


Clip Point - This blade shape is the most general purpose of the three styles. If you plan on doing alot of skinning with your knife, this is probably not the best choice. A good example of this blade shape is the Ka-bar Black Fighting Knife.


Factor 3: Blade steel


The steel used in creating a knife’s blade is very important. This determines many qualities, such as sharpness, ability to hold an edge, and corrosion resistance. Each type of steel has advantages and disadvantages. Here are some of the steels used:

420HC - Good edge holding and corrosion resistance, when properly treated (as Buck Knives does).

44O-A/B/C - Stainless Steel. Good corrosion resistance, acceptable edge-holding abilities with proper heat treating.

AUS-6/8/10 - Japanese equivalent of 440 steel. About the same, but a little tougher.


Factor 4: Other design elements


There are a variety of other features that you may want or need in a knife, such as:

  • Non-slip handle?
  • Sheath?
  • Guard?
  • Gut Hook?



If you decide exactly what you need your knife to do, then go through the factors outlined in this article, you should be able to easily choose the best hunting knife for your uses.

Butchering A Deer Correctly Creates The Most Tender Deer Meat


ou just completed a successful hunting season by filling your tag.  But as all seasoned hunters know, that is when the work really begins!  You know how to field dress a deer with knife, but once that’s done you need to consider the best way of butchering your deer.


So what is the best hang time to allow for aging of the deer meat?



As crazy as it may sound, there are a few different factors that come into play when making this decision.  So, let’s look at it day by day.




The Butchering Timeline


Day 1- This is a consideration if the temperatures are high.  If you do decide to do your deer butchering today, be sure not to freeze the meat.  You will want to quarter or bone out your deer, then age the meat in a refrigerator.  Why you ask?


After death, rigor mortis sets in and will last between 12-24 hours.  If you freeze the meat before this process is complete, you run the risk of having your deer meat being as tough as leather.


Days 2-4- If you filled your tag with a doe or yearling buck this is when you should butcher the deer.  These  deer don’t need as much hang time because the meat is already naturally tender.


Days 5-8- If you put your tag on a middle aged deer, between 2 1/2 – 3 1/2 years old; this is prime butchering time.  During perfect conditions, which means that temperatures are between 33-38 degrees Fahrenheit, this timeframe makes the meat perfect for processing.


If temperatures spike, just put a bag of ice into the chest cavity to keep bacteria from growing.


Days 9-13- If you tagged a older deer, then consider letting it hang.  The longer your older deer hangs, the better it is for the meat.  Your concern when hanging your deer for near 2 weeks is the internal temperature of the meat.


You should consider using a meat thermometer to be sure that the meat stays cool enough to retard spoilage.


Day 14- This should be the limit for letting your deer hang.  Butcher your deer.  If you let your deer hang past 2 weeks your run the risk of spoilage and complete loss of the meat.


As a dedicated hunter, you take an enormous amount of time to prep for the hunting season throughout the year.  So when you are able to tag a great deer, you want to be sure that you reap all the benefits.


Proper planning with butchering a deer can make all the difference when the time comes to cook the venison.  The better the aging of the deer meat the tastier your meal.


For lasted hunting knife please visit our website.

Simple But Effective Coyote Hunting Tips

Coyote hunting is practiced for many unique reasons. Some hunters hunt for practice, for extra money, or simply for the sake of hunting. Usually however, hunters target coyotes as a result of their pest status thanks to their high population and disposition to harm livestock. Here are a few coyote hunting tips on the best ways to get going.




Coyote hunting calls for lots and lots of patience. Even seasoned hunters have a difficult time hunting coyote simply because it is not only one of the most resourceful hunters of nature but is also one of the most cunning. 


Gun Selection


Coyote hunting is a challenging recreation. When researching for rifles, you'll observe that many brands carry separate varminter guns. Varminter guns are especially produced for the hunting of pests which include foxes, gophers and coyotes. These rifles are geared with specialized ammunition and their light weight makes them easily manoeuvrable.


Aside from Varminters, a wide range of rifles and shotguns and even pistols may be used, the choice of which also connects to your end purpose. Accuracy and trajectory are some of the important factors in a reliable rifle and using a big game hunting rifle would simply be excessive.


Pistols that use 223 cartridges would work well. However, it is harder to hunt for coyote with a handgun. Long barreled 357 magnum revolvers are the best and most commonly used pistol for coyote hunting. When it comes to using rifles for hunting, a common choice would be a fast loading 0.22 caliber rifle. Lots of hunters use deer rifles when hunting. Just remember though that if you are hunting coyotes for their pelts a 30/06 rifle would damage the hides making them unusable.


Call 'em in!


What many don't recognize about coyote hunting is that, similar to duck hunting, it's definitely necessary to call the coyotes to encourage them in range. Coyote hunting calls usually mimic prey animals. For example, many hunters use squeaking calls that simulate the sounds of mice or gophers.


There are at least three different types of coyote calls. Starting with the "mouth blown" calls, the "howling" calls and then the electronic calls. Electronic coyote calls are rapidly becoming preferred in recent times due to the improvements of the electronic sound storage. Despite the best call, attracting a wild animal, especially a cunning carnivore is challenging and you may realize that it takes more than a few hunting trips to work out which method works best. Practice makes perfect. 


Many coyote hunters often find their game too close for comfort. Coyotes in New Mexico are more aggressive; to such a degree, their much lower fear with people is obvious. The very best way to hunt coyotes is by finding and stalking it first. Despite the fact that it is easier said than done.


Camo And Smell


Not just great hearing, Coyotes also have excellent eyesight. Staying out of sight is crucial, even your hands and face, and any camo pattern that matches the surrounding environment of your hunting area will help. Also, most hunters often forget to apply cover scents. Coyotes have exceptional sense of smell so scent wafers can really help when hunting.


Other coyote hunting equipment includes finding a good stand. You can build one on the ground however these are usually fixed in trees. Not only will you need a comfortable spot out of sight to lie in wait for your prey, but you also have to position it to ensure that the coyote doesn't pick up your scent. Once it gets your scent, all of the camouflage in the world won't help one bit! 


Of course, these coyote hunting tips mean very little if there are no coyotes in your location to hunt. However, you can get a good idea of where to set up your stand by simply asking the locals and looking around for yourself.


It's a good idea to learn how to read coyote tracks or scat in order to track them down yourself. Oftentimes however, landowners and farmers are more than happy to expose where they've come across coyotes creating trouble.


I hope these simple, yet effective, tips for hunting coyote have helped you!
Happy Hunting!


Interested in taxidermy but no idea how to get it done? Take a closer look at "Taxidermy made easy" and start making some real trophies of your kills!




Every operator knows that choosing the right hunting and tactical gear is very important.

Black Tactical Boots, also known as Men’s Black Combat Boots, have rich history, rugged and built for use in all weather for long time.


Some of these boots are authorized best police boots and are design to last long as well as offer the best comfort to the user. Remember that your foot is the part of the body that make it possible to reach your destination and should be highly protected.The user should be able to use the boots on terrain for extended hours without painful destruction of scores and blistered feet.


Black Tactical Boots are essential in tactical situations and should make it easy to tromp through mud and swim across a river, while keeping your foot dry, comfortable and safe. The boots include excellent features and built to keep you comfortable in any conditions. This site features different kinds of best black tactical boots available in the market and how to choose the right one.




under armour valsetz

They feature a lightweight upper-mesh design that is durable and breathable as well as well-contoured mid sole, which gives better cushioning without the need of making the boot heavier. It is designed to include an Armour Guide that assist in foot-strike guidance, ensuring that your foot are comfortable while moving on terrain areas. It also includes outstanding comfort that rivals other brands and ArmourLastic offers unprecedented shock absorption, especially on the heel as well as forefoot.




under armour valsetz side zip tactical boot

If you spend most of your time outdoors, especially in wet condition, then this police boot is the best. It features patented technologies, which ensure that your feet are kept protected from all types of injuries and comfortable, and it comes in several colors to suit your camouflage needs.




Bates Ultra Lites

This type of Bates ultra lites boot is easy to use and offer a top plenty of protection and with its 8” upper. They are made of quality leather and nylon and durable like most other top military boots. The Bates ultra lites boots feature cushioned removable insole that make easy to customize the footwear with the best insole of your choice. It designed to include side zippers that make it easy to use and safety toe that help to prevent injuries.


Although the shoes feature lightweight designs, these Bates ultra lites boots have not been designed for runners and may not support long runners for all the running time. However, the Bates  ultra lites Boots are ideal for workers who work on both indoors and outdoors and those who need durable boots but the fell of sneaker. These safety boots are ideal for those working in factories with heavy machinery.




Maelstrom tactical Boots

Maelstrom Boots feature a lightweight design with high performance. They are designed to enhance performance in any weather condition. They feature water-resistant capability and features zip sides that provide ideal cushion and traction.


The fact that Maelstrom tactical boots include breathable moisture wicking liner design makes them the best police boots. They are designed in the law enforcement professional mind. Whether you are involved in the foot pursuit or you are patrolling, these shoes provide the best comfort as well as protection you need.



black danner boots

The men’s black combat boots features a simple look at outstanding prices and are designed to perform in all weather. They design and implemented within the United States as evidence in its high fine craftsmanship and its Berry Amendment compliance. They feature an 8-inch upper that is good for protection plus a GORE-TEX waterproof liner that ensure that your feet are kept dry in all situations.




These are black tactical boots that offer excellent protection and comfort with a well designed side-zipper. They are designed to include less weight, provide water resistance as well as nice safety for your feed in both outdoor and indoor environment.

The ArmourBound cushioning helps to cradles the foot while running, jumping, hiking or while you are standing. This property makes this boot perfect for anyone looking a rugged boot, which offers a fair comfort. Although it may not last long as compared to others, they provide amazing foot-protection and shock absorption. They are ideal for hunters, police officers, outdoors men, security guards, among other workers who encounter different hostile conditions.




The Adidas performance boots are among the best men’s black combat boots that slip-on and -off easily. They provide a natural waterproof upper shell that ensures that foot is kept dry throughout, even when you are walking in under the rain or passing through a shallow stream. The all-seasons footwear ensure that your feet are kept warm in both winter and cool summers, which make them the best for those who spends most of their times in the outdoor camp, hikes, fishing, etc. They feature a fantastic design, which offers plenty of comforts and are the best police boots preferred by both SWAT as well as German Special Forces groups.




While finding the right black tactical boots it is important to ensure that you choose the right-size for your foot. Even a half-size large of small can lead to tremendous impacts on your feet. In most cases, you need to use a Brannock device that help find the right size for you case. Here some of the importance tips that ensure that you choose the right boots for your foot:


– Avoid underestimating the importance of the Brannock device as it help you measure the length, width and arch of your feet.

– Ensure that there is enough wiggle room between your toes. It is too tight, them the boots are too small, and if there is too much wiggle-room, then the boot might be too large. However, if you can just curl your toes, then the boot fits okay.

– Tap the feet on the floor and if the toe grazes easily inside of the boot, then it fits well.

– Boots should never be tight, but you should always be comfortable and snug.

– Your heels should always remain firmly in the right place and must not slide on the foot bed.

– Even if the boot seems to your fit your feet well but feels off, try tightening it or loosening the laces at some points to provide flexibility.

You need to check important qualities like the tread pattern, type of sole and also the material used to manufacture it.






This boot is sometimes referred to as a “broadhead” boot. They are approximately 8 inches when you measure its length from the sole to the top.

Its actually an example of insulated rubber hunting boots and offers great camouflage. It has an athletic feel due to the rubber sole and provides you with high quality service when hunting.

These boots are designed specifically for bow hunters who need to be close to the game before they can draw an arrow.

Weighs 3.5 lb and the external material used to make it is laminated fabric.

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These are rubber hunting boots made by one of the best manufacturers of hunting boots. When it comes to making the right boots, Bog definitely come out on top.

The boots also offer excellent camouflage and are waterproof. You can therefore sink in water without getting a drop of water on your feet.

The sole is made from rubber and is well designed to eliminate any bad scent. They can also be used in any climate. They have the capability to withstand low temperatures without them cracking.


It weighs 2 lb and the external material used to make it is rubber.



These boots are perfect for hunting and can be used by hikers, hunters and also travelers. Kenetrek are well known for manufacturing boots which provide the user with comfort and high quality service. They are made from leather and basically protect your feet from moisture. They are durable and provide you with superb service in any climate.

It is worth noting down that they are waterproof and you don’t have to worry about getting your feet wet.


It weighs 3.9 lb and the external material used to make it is leather.




These boots are popular because of their ability to provide superb comfort when you’re hunting. They have a rubber sole which is quite effective in absorbing shock.

They also have an AeroForm technology, which provide you with excellent service when running for the prey. You actually feel like you’re walking on cushions when you walk using these boots.


They are also waterproof and free from any scent. The boots offer great camouflage and blend well with the environment.


It weighs 2 lb and the external material used to make it is Polyurethane.




These boots are made from high quality materials which are designed by an experienced manufacturer.


They weigh 760 grams which is approximately 1.67 lb and the external material used to make it is waxed leather from Nubuck. The sole is made from vibram rubber and provide you with superb comfort when hunting.


The sole is able to prevent fatigue by offering spectacular flexibility. They also have a material that is carefully placed inside the heels to absorb shock. These boots are affordable and provide you with top quality service.




The leather used to manufacture them is made from the USA and provide you with spectacular service when in the outdoor.


They are mostly used by bird hunters and deer hunters. They weigh 1.9 lb and the sole is made from Ultraflex upland. The external material used to make it is leather from Nubuck.


The boots are also waterproof and always ensure that your feet are dry. Luckily, you don’t have to worry about sore feet because the boot is well designed to provide you with extreme comfort when hunting.


They can withstand any terrain and can therefore be used by hikers or upland hunters.




When hunting, you don’t want to get your feet wet. For this reason, you require a waterproof boot that provides your feet with spectacular comfort. This boot satisfies all these qualities and is therefore among the best boots you require when hunting.

You can wait for your prey in the swamp or in a river without getting your feet wet. The height of the boot is 8 inches and weigh 1.3 lb.


The sole is made from rubber and the external material used to make it is synthetic. If you hit a hard substance, these boots are well designed to ensure that you don’t experience any pain.


It is also free from scent and you therefore don’t need to worry about smelly feet.




These boots have a height of approximately 8 inches. They weigh 2 lb and the sole is made from rubber. The external material used to make it is leather.

If you find any debris in your path, the boots are designed to protect your feet at all times from any obstacles. The rubber sole provides you with a good grip to your steps.

These boots are well designed to let your skin breath and give your feet an incredible comfortable feeling when hunting. If you’re looking for the best rubber hunting boots, these boots definitely fall in that category.




These boots are designed for upland hunters and provide you with top quality service when in the outdoor.


They provide you with superb comfort during your long periods of walking. They weigh 2.2 lb and their height is approximately 9 inches. The sole is made from vibram rubber and the external material used to make them is USA leather.


They are affordable boots which sell at very customer friendly prices. The best part is that they provide you with top quality service.


It is worth noting down that they are not completely water resistant so you should definitely avoid direct contact with water when wearing them.




These are some of the hunting boots, best hunting boots, rubber hunting boots, insulated rubber hunting boots that will definitely help you cover more ground at a faster rate.